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"I have known Dr. John Tierno to be a man of wisdom and compassion. He loves the Lord and treasures His Word."

Tim Malchak
Founder and President, Tim Malchak Ministries

"My wife and I met with you on at least a weekly basis for marriage and substance abuse counseling. Your knowledge of the Bible and your ability to apply it to real-life situations was very helpful. I will never forget the time you spent with us - including a marathon three-hour counseling session on one occasion. You always made time for me no matter what time I called or texted. I highly recommend you to any church or counseling organization."
John S,
4th Grade Teacher

"Your knowledge of the bible and your passion for being Pastor and teacher, helped me a great deal with my walk in Christ. I remember being so excited when it was your turn to preach. Plus I learned so much when you were teaching Victorious Overcomers, it really got down to the core of what I needed to work on as a Christian."


"Rev. John is the most knowledgeable man, that I know, of God's Word. His impeccable delivery (by way of counseling) as well as his guidance and encouragement to really get into what God is telling us, is unlike any other. Rev. John is SO humble, yet bold enough to recognize when one may be becoming, a sheep led astray. If you find yourself lost or numb to life, needing pure sound direction and you're looking for substantial counseling, unlike talk therapy, then you have come to the correct place! Truly a man who is walking his talk <3"





© 2019 Dr. John Tierno/Living Water Counseling Ministries, Inc.

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